Monday 23 March 2020

Digital marketing and its advantages and disadvantages

Digital marketing is not only the marketing of products and services online but also creates brand awareness and lead generation. It is advertising delivered through digital channels. Channels like email, web apps, social media, mobile apps, search engines, websites, or any new digital channel. Digital marketing is important for businesses of all sizes because it gives services at affordable prices. 

Advantages of digital marketing

Some of the important advantages of digital marketing are that it is cost-effective and measurable. Another advantage includes increasing brand loyalty and driving online sales.

  • Global reach and lower cost- Anyone can see your website globally andYou can reach your target audience with lower cost
  • Trackable, measurable results - You can easily track and measure your results of the digital marketing campaign.
  • Personalization - if the database of your customer is linked to your website, then if somebody visits your site then, you can show them your targeted offers.
  • Openness - engage with social media and manage it carefully, you can increase customer loyalty and make a reputation for being easy to engage with.
  • Social currency - With digital marketing, you can easily make engaging campaigns using content marketing tactics. This content (images, videos,) can gain social currency - being passed from user to user

Disadvantages of Digital marketing

  • Skills and training – Your staff have the right knowledge and skill to carry out digital marketing tasks. for that, you have to train each and every staff
  • Time-consuming – tasks that are required to do digital advertising campaigns and creating marketing content required lots of time. So you have to measure your results to ensure a return-on-investment
  • High competition – In digital marketing, there is lots of competition on the globe. There are many competitors who are doing the same task you are doing. There are many competitors in the same cities.
  • Complaints and feedback – if somebody gives your negative feedback or somebody complaint against your products or services online then it can damage your brand reputation
  • Security and privacy issues –There are many security and privacy issues with digital marketing. You have to face this type of the problem at any cost.

So It’s clear businesses with modern economies require digital marketing to compete. Every business wants to reach their target audiences. So what are you waiting for? Just call ideatore Interactive solutions Pvt Ltd company which stands for digital marketing agency and web design, and development company that provides digital marketing services to you to market your business online and so you can easily reach your target audiences.

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